Trader Joe’s has all sorts of fun seasonal items, and sometimes they have themes, with a bunch of products containing a similar ingredient – like ube! Ube is a purple yam originally from the Philippines – a sweet purple potato that is very trendy in desserts.

Enter: Ube Mochi Breakfast Mix. You can use this mix to make either pancakes or waffles, and all you’ll need to add is water, eggs, and oil or butter.

I’m more of a waffles girl, so that’s what I set out to make. Verdict: they were delicious!
I was a little surprised that the waffles didn’t turn out as purple as the batter. It’s definitely a colorful experiment while mixing the ingredients together, but don’t expect completely purple waffles.

To be honest, a lot of items from Trader Joe’s are not things I would normally promote on this blog because of the ingredients list.
This ube mochi pancake mix is pretty clean though (although natural flavors is sometimes iffy), and I think it makes a fun way to get in your veggies – especially if you have little ones that like the idea of a colorful breakfast.

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Overall I think this waffle mix is a great option when you can find it in store, especially if you need a gluten-free breakfast option.
It seems to be mostly available in the summertime, but you may find it at other times of the year also.
And of course you can likely find it online. While doing an Amazon search to see if there were sellers for this mix (hint: there are), I discovered TJ’s also has an ube tea cookies and a mochi cake mix, if either of those sound up your alley!
Just be warned that any Trader Joe’s item sold on Amazon is likely going to be much more expensive than in the store. It can be a convenient option for out of season items or if you don’t have a TJ’s near you, but otherwise it’s worth a try to head to your local store insead.
Have you tried the ube mochi pancake and waffle mix from Trader Joe’s? Let me know how it went!
Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
Is there an actual recipe for this? I didn't see it here, not sure if its because i'm on mobile.
Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
The second picture shows the instructions, but this is just a review of the box mix!